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Harem is love • 2 years ago

Ok I don't hate boruto because he is basically a kid who just wants his dad attention.
But man I am liking shikadai more and more each episode.

TITANCONSUMER • 2 years ago

Boruto won the match but lost our respects

Codex • 2 years ago

you cant lost respect to someone if you never had one"- probably me

Mr_knight • 8 months ago


Shane Bovell • 2 years ago


TITANCONSUMER • 2 years ago

How tf you Namikaze, Uzumaki, Hyuga and still cheating

User • 2 years ago

Daddy issues

heheheheh • 8 months ago


Cørazon • 2 years ago

Well, I hate Boruto for using cheats vs sweet Shikadai

he is basically a kid who just wants his dad attention.

Sandy • 1 year ago

Even his opponents are children.🙄

Kaneki-Ken • 2 years ago

The symbolism at the end is nice, Even tho Boruto won the Battle he feeling Guilt; Even though Shikadai lost, He's feeling Free and Joyful. I enjoyed Cho Cho's fight aswell, really pushing her limits Ima look forward to watching these characters grow even more, and to see Boruto's development. Kinda Interesting, this is what Naruto may have become if Minato was still alive while Naruto was growing up.

DIO BRANDO • 2 years ago

well kids at this age get easily misguided thats how our sasuke was once!!! Boruto real needs to get trapped in naruto past's genjutsu soo he would know the meaning of failure and hard work!!!

Codex • 2 years ago

well boruto himself is also losing respect for him..

ProfessorOdy • 2 years ago

Stop fucking cheating Boruto

Bijuupepper • 2 years ago

I wonder how he feels watching everyone win and lose with their own strengths while he cheats his way through. With his potential, I feel like if he really tried and really gave it 100%, even if he didn't win, he would have put up much more of a respectable fight. Having a crutch to rely on only makes it easier to give up. Poor misguided, rebellious youth lol.

Hello:) • 2 years ago

18:42 Himawari's so cute:')

SmackHead • 2 years ago

shikadai deserves better. wtf.does boruto think if h becomes chunin he can cheat thro mmissions? didnt think this through AT ALL.

I mean, in missions, he can use his ninja tool. Otherwise agreed

Hello:) • 2 years ago

Welp.. that was interesting..

ayieshite • 2 years ago

anyone saw kiba talking to a girl at the first clip after the intro aidhioaaodhgahgdahud

rina • 2 years ago

I feel bad for shikadaiiii

Pizza God • 2 years ago

Shikadai would probably understand and still be friends with him anyway

WHoThEfUCkArEYoU • 2 years ago

time to stop watching boruto

Firefox666 • 2 years ago

Alright I feel bad for Shikadai... He showed something new and still lost to cheating

Rich Strike • 2 years ago

Papa gaara <3

shokuun • 2 years ago

borutoo you cheating bastard

Codex • 2 years ago

thaaaats what she said

Jarl Qboyq • 2 years ago

Invested to this now lol

HENTAKU • 9 months ago

Like for Cho-cho, the only one with the same spirit as a true ahinobi from the original series.

SKProds • 1 year ago

I wish Boruto finally takes that thing off, I want him to use his own powers and not cheat using that device.

SuperNendo Z • 10 months ago

The episode where they scorn him is pretty bad.

I assume pretty bad as they obliterate him, and not pretty bad like they treat like never happened. His actions should be forgiven after penalty, not forgotten, but definitely. obliterated

•>Woolly<• • 2 years ago

Cho Cho gave it all. Great job. That final Jutsu of Shikadai was super cool.

Pizza God • 2 years ago

Welp I hate it too but I get where Boruto cheating coming from so its bearable I guess

Dammy-chan • 1 week ago

I feel so bad for Shikamaru :(

Boruto you sack of trash. I assume no one thinks this is suspicious because it's possible he had the clone do a transformation jutsu on him but bruh.

ChoCho is awesome, Choji is kind of parenting her in way that I think promotes weakness, though he's right in a way, she had great lines and really shows potential to be a chuunin, eventually.

Shinki seems to be a good kid who just looks down on others but otherwise seems like good guy. Guess Gaara is decent parent!
He really doesn't want Mitsuki to hold back, let's see what happens.

That thing [evil] professor gave Boruto is probably SUPER dangerous. let's see.

heheheheh • 8 months ago

I love how he uses hinatas fight techniques